
1 year ago I decided that my word for 2016 would be "Focus" and I'm very happy about it. robbie

This idea of replacing the traditional New Year’s resolutions by just 1 word is an idea I took from Benoit Curdy and for 2016 it works for me. I really made progress, it helped me to be more efficient and enjoy life (1 tab in browser is quite challenging but I love it :-) )

It's now time to decide what will be my new word for 2017 and it will be "Learn".

I've always been in a "learning" attitude. During my career, I've jumped between different topics, businesses, jobs.

Learning new things is key to be able to invent, innovate.

In the tech area, many things are happening: block-chain, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, autonomous cars, chatbots, platforms, and also Arduino, raspberry, IoT, ... The world is changing very fast thanks to new technologies and it's going faster and faster.

Looking back at what has happened in the last 10 years, is really mind-blowing.

Didn't exist in 2006: iPhone iPad Kindle 4G Uber Airbnb Android Oculus Spotify Nest Kickstarter Stripe Square Instagram Snapchat WhatsApp

— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) 23 janvier 2017

What will happen in the next 10 years?

In order to really understand what is happening, be able to anticipate trends, and innovate I think it's even more important to learn.

My objective for this year will be to spend the time to learn new things, especially in the tech area. That will include

  * learn more about A.I. I know the theory of neural networks as I studied it in the '90 but I need to learn how to use it now (could be with google Tensorflow or others)
  * learn new development languages (should be node.js and Angular.js)
  * learn how to assemble hardware to build simple automation in my house (could be [this](http://lifehacker.com/build-a-silent-texting-doorbell-with-an-amazon-dash-bu-1790899374) or [that](http://lifehacker.com/build-an-automated-voice-controlled-cat-feeder-1791033326))
  * learn more about block-chain (not sure what I can do with that).

In order to learn I'll have to :

  * **Dedicate time** to this activity (this means less time other things, I'll have to make choices)
  * **Read** more and more: As Confucius said: “You cannot open a book without learning something.”. Last year I read [10 books](https://www.goodreads.com/user/year_in_books/2016/12898931?utm_source=twitter),  I plan to read at least 15 this year.
  * **Try things, experiment**. I'll try as much as possible to implement concrete things. Experiment means failure, and failure means learning.
  * **Share** as much as possible. Share with my friends, my colleagues, my family but also online. I'm a heavy user of Twitter and LinkedIn, I will be more present on Facebook to share and interact with others (especially to learn how it works )

I wish you a wonderful year!