Discus in Singapore'
[![](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-uDAJqVoOOdM/TxMN-v2L5aI/AAAAAAAB0WU/qcUat0-oT4U/s640/DSC_0057-2.JPG) ](https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/J8S9st73vvIZKGHP_ptIAtMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=embedwebsite) |
From [My best photos](https://picasaweb.google.com/laurent.maumet/MyBestPhotos?authuser=0&feat=embedwebsite) |
I took this photo in singapore.
I've spent 2 years there with my family.
I maintain aquariums since 25 years.
My best one was in Singapore because I was able to maintain the king of the fresh water fish : discus.
I had 6 of them : 2 couples plus 2 individuals.