#My word for 2018 will be "Read"
I started with this "word of the year" idea 2 years ago. This idea of replacing the traditional New Year’s resolutions by just 1 word is an idea I took from Benoit Curdy.
In 2016 the word I choose was "Focus", in 2017 "Learn".
In fact, I realized that Focus + Learn = Read!
I love reading books as it's a quiet moment during which I'll have to focus on one single and simple task and at the same time it highly stimulates me, opens new horizons, brings me new ideas.
In 2016 I read 10 books, in 2017 16. For 2017, my objective is to finish 24 books which is 2 per month.
Around 1/3 of it should be fictional books that I listen to while running using Audible.
The other 2/3 will be non-fictional books I'll read using my Kindle. For these, my objective will be to find a way to remind what I read.
When I read I often highlight interesting paragraphs or quotes. My track record in remembering what I read is very low, this is quite frustrating as one of my objectives when I read books is to learn things and to be able to share with others about these readings.
I'll implement the method proposed here A System for Remembering What You Read.
It seems to be a little bit too complicated and may put many constraints on me but I'll give it a try and simplify it if needed.
I'll publish my notes about books on this blog even if it may be a difficult exercise as some of the books I read are written in French and here I write in English. But let's try!
I'll also continue to use Goodreads.
Photo Credit: [wuestenigel]( Flickr via [Compfight]( [cc](